Sunday, March 31, 2019

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

This Gospel is very familiar to many of us. There are several “main characters” that could be selected for further examination. Many commentators select “the Prodigal Son.” Some choose “the resentful older brother.” I have chosen to focus on “the Forgiving Father” who loves and cherishes both sons - (and each of us).

The Prodigal Son, by Clark Kelley Price 
The Prodigal Son has done some pretty awful things with his inheritance-----the things given to him by his father. It would certainly seem that he has been a disappointment to his father. But the Prodigal Son realizes what he has done and returns to his father’s home. What kind of reception will he get?

The father greets him with open arms. “We must celebrate and rejoice.”

The older brother does not. He became angry and refused to enter the house.

I would like to pose two questions for each of us to consider:

1. How would we like to be treated when we have done something wrong? When we have disappointed?

2. How do we treat others----- who have disappointed us, mistreated us, hurt us----- when they come to us?

Can we welcome that person with open arms?

This Gospel gives us an answer. “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” And today’s Psalm reminds us about our Father: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

Brother William Boslet, OSF

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