Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday of the Second Week in Lent

Today’s Readings

Luke 6:36-38

Today’s gospel is used to remind us that whatever we do for others, whether it be something as simple as not judging or offering support, God is watching and will return the favor onto to us. So, when we fear that others are judging us, we should take a moment to make sure we aren’t judging them as well. When we feel as though others are condemning us for our actions, we should take a step back and make sure we aren’t doing the same to them. We should also take this time of Lent to remember to forgive those who have hurt us, because by doing so they may forgive us for our wrong doings as well. Similarly, by giving the gifts of kindness and friendship to those who need it, the same will be returned to us in our time of need. Thus, reach out to those who sit alone when others are in groups, or those who seem as though they just need someone to talk to. For each good measure we do, God takes notice and returns them to us when our time of need arrives. As Jesus said to his disciples “for the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.” Therefore, take a moment this Lent to notice those amongst us in need and extend a hand out to them in hopes they will do the same for you.
AnnaMaria Leal ‘21

[B]y giving gifts of kindness and friendship to those who need it,
the same will be returned to us in our time of need.

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