Saturday, March 23, 2019

Saturday of the Second Week of Lent

Today's Readings

Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

March 23rd is a very special day for me – it’s my dad’s birthday.  Not only is he my namesake (and the namesake of my son), he also gave me the incredibly opportunity to attend two mission-driven Catholic institutions like Xaverian High School and St. Francis College.  The time I spent at Xaverian, and the time I have the honor of spending at the College, each and every day, has inspired me to be faith-filled person, a loving husband, and a caring father, just like my dad was to me.

It is very fitting then, that today’s Gospel focuses on the parable of the lost son, which ends with one of my favorite religious verses, “he was lost and has been found.”  During the season of Lent, as we continue to pray, fast, and give alms, I think it is also the perfect time for self-reflection; to look at ourselves, see what is going good, and what might not be going so well.  Very often I get veered off course and Lent is the perfect time for me to refocus and find myself.  Sometimes I am lost, and taking a quiet, prayerful moment allows me to refocus and find what I am looking for. 

Through the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is so important to treasure the relationships we have with one another, whether good or bad.  Just as the father in this parable forgave his son, despite his flaws, I think that Lent is a time for us to put things into perspective, open up our hearts to forgive others, especially those whose actions and words have hurt us.  We are all flawed, and some days are better than others, but if we can open up our hearts, minds and souls to others, and forgive no matter how hard it is, I know the world will be a better place. 

Robert A. Oliva ‘04
Director of Recruitment is so important to treasure the relationships we have with one another...

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