“So that as I have done for you, you should also do.” – John 13:15
all heard the expression, “I got a guy” or “I know a guy.” It’s a term
we use when we have a connection and we’re proud of it. By virtue of
your relationship with someone else, you have an “in” and it opens the
door to do or give something to someone who doesn’t enjoy that same
relationship. In turn that offers you a degree of status. And, come on! Let’s be honest: we all like having that feeling sometimes – even if it’s because it give us the ability to help someone else out.

have to think that, as they were seated at the Seder table, the night
before He was to be put to death, without knowing what would happen,
they probably thought: “This is pretty good. I’m sittin’
at table with my guy – the one who heals the sick and makes the lame
walk.” But then this guy Jesus does something that elicits a
“wait….what?” reaction. He removes his outer garments, takes a towel,
ties it around his waist and begins to wash their feet. Where’s the
status in that? They become uncomfortable! YOU can’t do this to ME!
You’re JESUS! I don’t want THIS guy, MY guy washing my feet! But that’s
exactly what Jesus does, and in the process, instructs them that this is
what they must do as well. Not only with and for each other but for
anyone whose lives touch theirs in some way. And just like that, their ministry has begun!
washes my feet every day, if I let Him. It happens when I allow someone
to help or guide me. When I accept what they have to offer as gift and
do so with humility. And then I, in turn, extend myself others with the
same sense of humility and service. I got a Guy…and his name is Jesus!
Sue Mulderrig
Technology Trainer
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