Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday after Ash Wednesday

Today's Readings

When I read this reading, I am reminded to do the right thing and always share the concept of kindness and empathy. Only do to others as you would want others to do to you. At St. Francis, if you see another student struggling or feeling lonely, it is important to reach out to them. In doing so, you will later be rewarded for your good deeds because of the acceptance and benevolence you showed someone else. Encouraging this philosophy amongst your friends at school is vital to maintaining the sense of community we practice. Just smiling at someone can change their day. It may sound corny, but the little things go a long way. This also goes for helping someone pick up their books, holding the door for the person behind you or giving your friend a high five. We want to create an environment that makes everyone feel welcome so that the feeling of happiness becomes contagious. So take out your headphones, stop looking down at your phone and listen to the person next to you. You’re going to realize that we’re not all that different and have more in common than just going to school here.

Tim Cecere Jr. '20


  1. Yes Tim.....Enjoyed the "stop looking down at your phone".....
    Social contact and caring trumps Social media always....
    Jack Sheedy '71

  2. It doesn't take much time or energy to be kind to others, even those you don't like.

  3. The Franciscan universe should not be made up of those who we text, but of those who we touch.
