Saturday, April 18, 2020

Saturday in the Octave of Easter

When This is Over

When this is over,
may we never again
take for granted;
A handshake with a stranger,
Full shelves at the store,
Conversations with neighbors,
A crowded theatre,
Friday night out,
The taste of communion,
A routine checkup,
The school rush each morning,
Coffee with a friend,
The stadium roaring,
Each deep breath!
A boring Tuesday.
Life itself.

When this ends,
may we find
that we have become
more like the people
we wanted to be,
we were called to be,
we hoped to be,
and may we stay
that way – better
for each other
because of the worst.

Laura Kelly Fanucci


  1. Wonderful write up and hopefully will come true. We often forget the really wonderful relationships ,and events that are part of everyday life, and / or take them for granted. I truly find the bronze statue compelling to view, but have no idea if a notable person or a beggar .


  2. Hi Bill. Thanks for your comment/question.
    It's a statue of Francis of Assisi which is located in Assisi near the sancutary of San Damiano, overlooking the valley down onto Santa Maria degli Angeli.
    Peace and all good.
    Alexandria Egler
