Sunday, April 19, 2020

Second Sunday of Easter

Today, in addition to being the 2nd Sunday of Easter, is Divine Mercy Sunday. In the readings for mass today, we hear about early Christians coming together as a community bonded together by faith. If we continue reading the Acts of the Apostles, we see the incredible transforming power of the Resurrection. What a world we would live in if all of us were “of one heart and mind” like these early Christians. They allowed themselves to be transformed and to not forget what it really means to live the one command that Jesus gives us: to love. It is this love that was the reason Jesus came to be one of us so that we might know what love looks like as it walks across the room, the love that reaches out to gently embrace all of God’s creation. On this Divine Mercy Sunday, how do I let myself be transformed by the Resurrection so I can be of one heart and mind with Jesus and show mercy to all those who are in need even when society and religion seek to exclude because of difference, religion, immigration status, ethnicity, culture, or race? Do I have the courage and strength to create a compassionate world of mercy where all are united in and with God?


Most High Glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart with your radiant mercy. Give me true faith that I may not need to see in order to believe, certain hope in the transforming power of the resurrection, and perfect charity to gently embrace everyone with mercy. Give me sense and knowledge, Lord, that I may carry out your holy and true command to transform the world with your love. Amen.

Brother Joseph Bach, OSF
Director of Vocations
Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn

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