Monday, March 25, 2019

Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

Today's Readings

Words carry powerful messages of destiny. Often the singular most powerful voice we hear is in our own head, the voice often full of negativity, sorrow, and discouragement; rather than of joy, courage, and positivity. We are all too quick to talk over and not really listen to those in need, even for ourselves.

For a moment, I invite you think of Mary, Joseph, Jesus, St. Francis and St. Clare, as people sitting here with you. What if your friend Mary came to you with news of a pregnancy? What if your friend Joseph came to share with you that he was going to by the stepfather of a little boy? What if your friend Jesus came to talk to you about how the weight of the world felt like it was on his shoulders? What if Francis was your best friend who shared with you how he was ready to give up the fancy things in life to better respect the simple things? What if Clare was your friend who shared that she was going to cut off all of her hair and disobey her parents to follow her life calling?

Would you listen?

Would you judge?

Listening is hard. We want to share our shared experiences, our judgments, or resolutions. We want to “fix the thing”. When someone shares with us, it is a gift; it is not a fixable word problem. We must respect the words, the story, and the gift being shared. In listening we should receive the gift with joy, courage, and positivity. And in listening, even to ourselves, we must honor the space to give encouragement in challenging times. Aligning our energy, practice, and words in the book of life welcome peace.

Mary, Joseph, Jesus, St. Francis and St. Clare are sitting here with us. We just need to listen.

Michele Montecalvo, EdD, MS, MCHES
Assistant Professor of Biology and Health Sciences
...give encouragement in challenging times.

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